- Download the Mac PBE client here, patch up, and log in to help us make the Mac League of Legends experience as awesome as possible! Thanks to the Mac community for your extraordinary patience – and a very special thanks to a particularly astounding group of folks who helped many of you play League via an unofficial client over the past months.
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- Start by clicking the download button, found either at the top of this page or in the top right corner of any page. Once downloaded, open the file, approve the installation, and open the app. From there, sign into your Blitz account, or create one if you haven’t already, and you’re good to go.
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An all-star cast, tons of action, and a nearly global release. Sounds like a summer blockbuster? Of sorts. League of Legends, the spiritual successor to Warcraft III mod Defense of the Ancients, is coming to the Mac this summer for free. Designed by some of the best in the business using TransGaming’s Cider Engine, this online-only player versus player client-based game will let virtually anyone with a Mac draw broadswords and lead their minions on a quest to destroy their foes.
Lastly, it is time to download the game. The main option is for windows but Mac has a little link right below it as well. The download is for the game client which will only take a couple minutes max even on slow internet. Then the game will need some time to download everything to the latest patch. Download the latest version of League of Legends for Mac for free. Read 3 user reviews and compare with similar apps on MacUpdate.
“We’re young, we’re smart, and we’re putting this all into League of Legends,” boasts Conor Campbell of Riot Games. Bold? Yes. But Campbell and company may have the talent to back it up. If the look and feel of League of Legends is familiar to DotA players, that’s because Riot Games has taken pains to assemble a staff of talent that knows the source material well. Two of the original developers for DotA, Steve Feak and Steve Mescon, are on Riot’s team, in addition to creative talents from EA and Blizzard.
Based on the blockbuster real time strategy title Warcraft III, Defense of the Ancients is one of the most popular player created mods of all time. It’s a free PVP real time strategy mod that has amassed a major global following, tournament circuit, and spawned its own sub-genre of game. League of Legends expands on the original source material by adding social features, new maps, new abilities and a whole slew of new champions to play as.

But it keeps the fundamental formula the same. The objective of League of Legends is the same as Defense of the Ancients: You must defend your base while trying to destroy the enemy’s. You and your teammates are high-powered characters called “champions” who can purchase weapon upgrades, armor, and potions at your base’s shop. As you lead your side’s minions and destroy enemy minions and champions, you’ll gain experience that will unlock further abilities.
Defense of the Ancients was renowned for its steep learning curve, and League of Legends hopes to rectify that by including a robust tutorial. Steve Mieczkowski, producer for Riot Games, explains that the goal for the producers has been to “make it accessible but make it deeper.” For advanced players, they’ll enjoy keeping track of stats like wins and losses, experienced gained, and their preferred characters.

Meanwhile, new players will enjoy the intuitive tutorial that will acquaint players with the basic concepts of gamplay—all without being called a “noob.” During Riot’s demonstration, I played through the tutorial as “Ashe” the Frost Archer. Buying armor, gaining levels, and knowing where to go was easy at first, but after I was thrown into a more advanced game with bots, I realized that was much for me to learn. My champion this time, a knight with a desert-themed skin, was knocked out of combat by an enemy tower early in the game and had to respond back at base—this only cost me a few seconds, but it was nevertheless humiliating.
Even with the tutorial, there’s a great deal of strategy that needs to be learnt. Part of the allure of the game is that you are your teammates need to create a larger strategy to deal with opposing champions. You need to decide where to deploy, where to gain experience, and when to coordinate attacks. If an enemy has a certain kind of tank attacking from the south, you need to figure out who, if anyone will confront them.
To help foster a community, one element Riot is especially proud of is the social features of the game, including a new chat system. “We want to make it easy to play with your friends,” explains Mieczkowski. You can add people to your friend list who you’re playing with and see when they’re online. Teams can be quickly assembled and you and your mates can become a well-oiled machine.
While free-to-play, players can purchase boosts and character skins with riot points that are bought using real money. But, Mieczkowski emphasizes, “We don’t sell power.” Only a fraction of the players pay to support the game, and even then the purchases won’t unbalance the game. Boosts can increase the rate you earn in-game currency, called influence points, or how quickly you gain experience. But runes, which are passive improvements like increased defense, can only be purchased by in-game currency that is accrued through playing.
When you first start the game, there is a rotating set of 10 free champions to choose from. If you want to permanently unlock them, you’ll have to buy them using game currency. Every two weeks there is new content to the game, and Riot seems to be paying attention to their users. If a character is over or under powered, for example, they’ve taken pains to test it out and modify the character as necessary.
While the PC version of League of Legends came out in October 2009, Riot is shooting for a summer release of the Mac client. It’s free to download, online-only, and a must-have for fantasy RTS fans.
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League of Legends is one of the most popular MOBAs to arrive on Mac, with thousands of players battling each other across the globe every day. However, Mac players do suffer from one disadvantage when compared to their Windows or Linux friends — smooth performance. Macs have fewer game-oriented video cards in the beginner to intermediate models, which could mean lower frames per second (FPS) rate for many players.
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You can be sure that in the middle of a gank, solo fight, or rax, every frame counts. Smooth performance can be the difference between landing a stun, using an item, or helping your teammates in a split-second. When the stakes are high, don’t let slow performance and lag drag you down.
Why Is League Of Legends Slow On My Mac?
League of Legends is one of the easier MOBAs to run thanks to a lightweight graphics engine and a smart team of engineers at Riot games. However, the load on your Mac can become fairly high as the match progresses. Champions level up and have more skills. They earn more money and have more items. In a late-game group fight, your Mac is processing so many actions at once that it can bog down the framerate. On top of this, your internet connection has to send all of this data to the server and back so that everyone is on the same page.
Between the infamous League of Legends slow motion bug and even some issues with League of Legends slow updates, optimizing your Mac is more important than ever to winning your next game.
1. Disable shadows
One of the most demanding graphical components in the League of Legends engine is the shadow processing engine. It renders the shadow of every champion, tree, and blade of grass on the map, which then have to respond to the conditions around them, such as spells and changing light. To speed up League of Legends, the game stores most of the shadow assets and states in your video RAM (VRAM). The more VRAM you have, up to approximately 2 GB, the smoother your FPS. But disabling shadows completely in the Video options can increase your FPS and also give you extra visibility on the map (with fewer distracting shadows). To access the Video options, simply press Esc and then select Video. While you’re in there, try setting the overall graphics quality to Very Low.
2. Close all other apps
League of Legends on Mac plays better when there are no other apps using valuable RAM and resources in the background. Common culprits include Dropbox, Messenger, WhatsApp, and Google Drive. By closing these apps before you play, you’re making more RAM and processing power available to speed up League of Legends. To identify and close any resource-hogging apps, simply:
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- Launch Activity Monitor from Applications.
- Switch tabs to Memory and make a note of the apps at the top of the list.
- Switch tabs to CPU and see what’s taking up processing power.
- Quit all the apps you don’t need by selecting them and choosing Force Quit icon in the top-left corner.
If closing these apps didn’t seem to make an impact on speeding up your League of Legends, try restarting your Mac first for a clean wipe of RAM usage.
3. Repair corrupt game files
League of Legends, like other MOBAs, is updated very frequently for new champions, items, bug fixes, or balances. Over time, your game files can become corrupt due to an error in processing the new files upon each update. Occasionally, this can lead to FPS problems and slow performance. Thankfully, League of Legends has a built-in repair function that will fix any corrupted files:
- Run League of Legends.
- Click on the gear in the top right corner of the window.
- Click Initiate Full Repair.
- Wait for the repair function (it can take from 5 minutes to over 30 minutes depending on the corrupted files).
League Of Legends For Mac
If in doubt, you can always try reinstalling League of Legends entirely so that fresh new files are pulled from the install.
4. Remove resource-heavy and temp files
While there are some good tips for speeding up League of Legends FPS in the game settings, there are some optimizations that can only be done inside macOS. With use, your Mac becomes full with all kinds of files you don’t need that still consume your processor’s speed. But how do you find them?
A popular trick used by pro gamers is to fire up an automatic optimization tool like CleanMyMac X, which finds the files that slow you down so you can focus on landing that next stun.

Using CleanMyMac X is easy — just fire up its Optimization module:
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- Download CleanMyMac X (free trial available).
- Choose Optimization in the left-side panel and click View All Items.
- Disable unneeded files or remove them completely.
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Besides, feel free to use other scans from CleanMyMac X that have to do with System Junk, iTunes Junk, or Malware Removal. Just hit Scan and CleanMyMac X will do all the work for you.
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Now you’re ready to get back to the game! Remember to repeat the optimization process from time to time, whether you’re doing it manually or using a more convenient and thorough one-click solution from CleanMyMac X.