Well, with the way you had worded things up there, it made you seem as if you were saying that there’d be no earthly way of beating a Wonder Guard Shadow Lugia with an attack move. But since Ive never even gotten to Shadow Lugia in this hack, I’d have no idea if it was legit plausible for someone to have Foresight on a Pokemon. Wonder Guard allows only super effective moves to hit, because Shedinja is a bug/ghost, it’s killed by rock, fire, flying (from bug’s type) and ghost, dark moves. But everything aside, beautiful hack & thank you to all who took apart in it.
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I’ve seen some of you have beaten the game but I’d like to hear how you defeated Shadow Lugia. I just need to read & understand how something SO powerful could be beat lol. I know I made Shadow Lugia that way but I never thought it would be THAT tough. So I’d basically like to hear some war stories some you had with this beast.
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Nintendo claims to take piracy and sharing very seriously, with potential to shut https://romsdownload.net/roms/super-nintendo down your website. Alright, so after realizing that I chose the worst Starter in this hack as far as Special Attack goes, Im once again deleting the files and starting all over again. And more than likely, Im gonna end up using YAPE to tip the scales in my favor again. I am really enjoying the hack so far thanks DarkRisingGirl.
- While some marvelled at its motherly themes, stunningly created environments and remarkable attention to detail, others were simply impressed with the sheer amount of crap you could blow up in it.
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I’m attempting to Nuzlocke this game, and I’m not too far, but I’m determined to do it. This page contains a list of all special evolved Pokemon in this game (Evolution items, Happiness, Specific Moves, etc.) as well as all Pokemon whose evolution methods have changed. This makes Pokemon like Golem and Alakazam and Gliscor and Steelix obtainable within the game. While being a remake of the first Dark Rising game, Pokemon Dark Rising Kaizo still manages to be it’s own game with several plot changes as well as new events.
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I Have beaten one gym leader and my team so far is Bagon, Pidgeotto, Corphish and Tynamo. Should I switch a Houndoor for my corsphish or no, Houndoom has a decent movepool but I am not sure. I’m SO convinced that Shadow Lugia is Unbeatable, seriously.
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Still, Nintendo obviously wanted to send a message — and it has. Emulator sites have existed in this gray area for decades, but recent moves by Nintendo are sending shockwaves through the scene. There’s no ambiguity over how Nintendo views ROMs, modding, and third-party emulators. It’s completely allowed to make copies and modify those copies. The copy is not bound by the same laws as the original .
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I wish you luck with your next hack, but I have to wonder how nobody seems to care about the issues that plague this one. I’m subbed to him and watched most of his letsplay, I’m about where he is when he failed.