
A collection of free icons for Mac OS X Yosemite. Enter '0' at checkout. Donations are appreciated.Instructions:1. Right click an existing app and choose 'Get Info'.2. Drag and drop the new icon on the small, top left icon in the Get Info panel.Icon List:1PasswordAdobe After EffectsAdobe DreamweaverAdobe IllustratorAdobe InDesignAdobe LightroomAdobe MuseAdobe PhotoshopDay. The desktop layout in Mac OS X Yosemite is undeniably beautiful—it's sleek, simple, and easy to admire. Thing is, I do too much on my Mac to install a developer preview as my main OS (even though I can make a bootable install drive and dual-boot it), but I do want the aesthetics of the new build. Luckily, there is a way for us to mimic the appearance of OS X Yosemite, for free, without.

Mac OS X application icons such as iChat, iPhoto, iTunes. This week, we have a collection of apple inspired icon packs. You can use these icons for Windows customization, web sites, applications, mobile apps, posters, and more; however, just because the pack is free doesn’t mean there’s no attached license. Download 201 vector icons and icon kits.Available in PNG, ICO or ICNS icons for Mac for free use. Mac Os X Folder Icons; Hard Drive Icon Mac Os X Transparent Free; Download hard drive icon free icons and PNG images. 18+ Hard Drive Icon images for your graphic design, presentations, web design and other projects. This is a simple tip for Mac users. Mac folder Icons - Download 5036 Free Mac folder icons @ IconArchive. Search more than 600,000 icons for Web & Desktop here. SVG Vector Sets. Most visited Sets. Free Icon Sets for Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows. Mac Leopard 512 x 512 pixel resources included. Four free icons of iPhone, designed in scribbled style.

Application icons are programs— the software you use to accomplish tasks on your Mac.

Yosemite even gives you the ability to make iPhone calls on your Mac. “Yosemite is the future of OS X with its incredible new design and amazing new apps, all engineered to work beautifully with iOS,” said Craig Federighi, Apple’s senior vice president of Software Engineering.

Mail, Safari, and Calendar are applications. So are Microsoft Word and Adobe Photoshop.

Application icons come in a variety of shapes. For example, application icons are often square-ish, diamond-shaped, rectangular, or just oddly shaped.


Document icons are files created by applications.

Letters created with TextEdit are documents. This article began life as a document created in Microsoft Word. And spreadsheet, PDF, video, image, and song files are all documents.

Document icons are often reminiscent of a piece of paper.

Folder icons (along with disk icons) are the Mac’s organizational containers.

You can put icons — and the applications or documents they stand for — in folders or disks. You can put folders in disks or in other folders.

Folders look like, well, manila folders (what a concept) and can contain just about any other icon. You use folders to organize your files and applications on your hard drive. You can have as many folders as you want, so don’t be afraid to create new ones. The thought behind the whole folders thing is pretty obvious: If your hard drive is a filing cabinet, folders are its drawers and folders (duh!).


Folder icons (along with disk icons) are the Mac’s organizational containers.

You can put icons — and the applications or documents they stand for — in folders or disks. You can put folders in disks or in other folders.

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Folders look like, well, manila folders (what a concept) and can contain just about any other icon. You use folders to organize your files and applications on your hard drive. You can have as many folders as you want, so don’t be afraid to create new ones. The thought behind the whole folders thing is pretty obvious: If your hard drive is a filing cabinet, folders are its drawers and folders (duh!).


Disk icons (along with folder icons) are the Mac’s organizational containers.

Remember that you can put folders in disks or in other folders, but you can’t put a disk inside another disk. And while disks behave pretty much like folders, their icons often look like disks.

Alias icons are wonderful — no, make that fabulous — organizational tools.

An alias is a tiny file that automatically opens the file, folder, disk, or network volume that it represents. Although an alias is technically an icon, it’s different from other icons; it actually does nothing but open a different icon when you double-click. Put another way, aliases are organizational tools that let you store an icon in more than one place without creating multiple copies of the file.

The Dock is a convenient way to get at oft-used icons. By default, the Dock comes stocked with icons that Apple thinks you’ll need most frequently, but you can customize it to contain any icons that you choose.

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Adding Dock icons

You can customize your Dock with favorite applications, a document you update daily, or maybe a folder containing your favorite recipes. Use the Dock for anything you need quick access to.

Adding an application, file, or folder to the Dock is as easy as 1-2-3:

  1. Open a Finder window that contains an application, a document file, or a folder you use frequently.

    You can also drag an icon — including a hard drive icon — from the Desktop or any Finder window.

  2. Click the item you want to add to the Dock.

    In the figure, the TextEdit application is highlighted.

  3. Drag the icon out of the Finder window and onto the Dock.

    The icons to the left and right of the new icon magically part to make room for it. Note that the Dock item isn’t the actual item. That item remains wherever it was — in a window or on the Desktop. The icon you see in the Dock is a shortcut that opens the item. The icon on the Dock is actually an alias of the icon you dragged onto the Dock.

    Furthermore, when you remove an icon from the Dock, as you find out how to do in a moment, you aren’t removing the actual application, document, or folder. You’re removing only its shortcut from the Dock.

    Folder, disk, document, and URL icons must sit on the right side of the divider line in the Dock; Application icons must sit on the left side of it. That’s the rule: apps on the left; folders, disks, documents, and URLs on the right.

As long as you follow the rule, you can add several items to either side of the divider line at the same time by selecting them all and dragging the group to that side of the Dock. You can delete only one icon at a time from the Dock, however.

Adding a URL to the Dock works slightly differently. Here’s a quick way to add a URL to the Dock:

  1. Open Safari, and go to the page with a URL that you want to save in the Dock.

  2. Click the small icon that you find to the left of the URL in the address bar and drag it to the right side of the dividing line in the Dock.

  3. Release the mouse button when the icon is right where you want it.

    The icons in the Dock slide over and make room for your URL. From now on, when you click the URL icon that you moved to your Dock, Safari opens to that page.

If you open an icon that normally doesn’t appear in the Dock, and you want to keep its temporary icon in the Dock permanently, you have two ways to tell it to stick around after you quit the program:

  • Control-click (or click and hold) and choose Keep in Dock from the menu that pops up.

  • Drag the icon (for an application that’s currently open) off and then back to the Dock (or to a different position in the Dock) without letting go of the mouse button.

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Removing an icon from the Dock

Removing an item from the Dock is as easy as 1-2-3 but without the 3:

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  1. Drag its icon off the Dock and onto the Desktop.

  2. When you see the Remove bubble, release the icon (mouse button).

  3. There is no Step 3.

You can also choose Remove from Dock in the item’s Dock menu to get it out of your Dock, but this way is way more fun.

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You can’t remove the icon of a program that’s currently running from the Dock by dragging it. Either wait until you quit the program or choose Remove from Dock in its Dock menu.

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Also, note that by moving an icon off the Dock, you aren’t moving, deleting, or copying the item itself; you’re just removing its icon from the Dock. The item is unchanged. The icon is sort of like a library catalog card: Just because you remove the card from the card catalog doesn’t mean that the book is gone from the library.

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The Dock in OS X releases prior to Mountain Lion included icons for the Documents and Applications folders. The Dock in Mountain Lion and Yosemite does not, at least not by default, show those folders. Having those folders on the Dock is convenient, and you should consider adding them to your Dock if they aren’t already there.


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On the other hand, for those with Macs that once ran OS X 10.7 (Lion) or earlier versions and have since been upgraded to Yosemite, your Documents and Applications folders are still on your Yosemite Dock unless you removed them at some point.