1. Download Sourcetree For Mac Catalina
  2. Windows 8 Download For Mac

Version: 3.3.09 Filesize: 24.1MB

  • Freeware
  • In English
  • Scanned
Download Sourcetree For MacDownload sourcetree for mac pro

Download Atlassian collaboration, tracking, and software development tools. Get started with $10 for 10 users or a free trial. Sourcetree2.7.6a.zip runs on my mac 10.12.6. Thanks You must be a registered user to add a comment. If you've already registered, sign in. Otherwise, register and sign in.

  • 3.71
  • (7.99 K Downloads)

Are you someone who has to code a lot for your work or hobby? Do you have to do a lot of software or game development? Are you looking for software that helps you in working with Git or Mercurial? Well then, look no further, as SourceTree is the perfect software for you to use.

What is SourceTree?
SourceTree is a freeware software, meaning it is free to use and download, but the source code for SourceTree is not available for the user to view. SourceTree was developed and published by the company Atlassian. SourceTree allows the user to work with code in Git and Mercurial with incredible speed and performance. SourceTree is perfect for both beginners and experts as it balances ease of use with functionality with its well designed and intuitive user interface. SourceTree was well received on its release by both the critics and the public and was praised for its advanced features.


SourceTree System Requirements

  • SourceTree runs on devices running Windows 7 or higher.
  • A 1-GHz or higher processor is necessary for running SourceTree.
  • At least 512 MB of RAM is required to run SourceTree.
  • .NET framework is also necessary for running SourceTree.
  • At least 50 MB of free storage space is necessary for installing and running SourceTree.

Main Features of SourceTree

  1. Ease of use and User Interface (U.I.) – SourceTree is perfect for both beginners and experts as it balances ease of use with functionality with its well designed and intuitive user interface.
  2. DVCS – SourceTree has an incredibly powered DVCS, which helps the user in coding and software development.
  3. Advanced Features – SourceTree comes jam-packed with a wide variety of advanced features like patch handling, changesets and branches that are designed to help experts maximize their productivity.
  4. Git and Hg-Flow – SourceTree has a Git and Hg-Flow feature which helps you in keeping your repositories clean and helps you become more efficient in software development.

How to use SourceTree?
After downloading the SourceTree app, click on the SourceTree app icon to open the app. On the top of the SourceTree interface is a toolbar with the File, Edit, View, Repository, Actions, Tools, and Help options. Below it are the SourceTree features with all of their icons. On the left side of the SourceTree interface is the SourceTree file menu. The central part of the SourceTree interface is the SourceTree work area, whilst the bottom part shows you certain code.

How to get SourceTree?
You can get the SourceTree app by following the steps given below -

  1. Click on the download button to start installing the SourceTree app.
  2. Download and open the SourceTree app installer.
  3. Read the SourceTree ToS (Terms of Service) and agree to it.
  4. Read the SourceTree License agreement and click on agree.
  5. Select the destination folder for SourceTree and wait for it to install.
  6. You can now use the SourceTree app anytime you want.


  • Easy to use.
  • Well-designed user interface.
  • Lots of advanced features.

App Name: SourceTree

License: Freeware

OS: Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10

Latest Version: V3.3.09

Download Sourcetree For Mac Catalina

Latest Update: 2020-12-31


Developer: Atlassian

User Rating: 3.71

Category: Developer Tools

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To add your supply request file, do the following:

Windows 8 Download For Mac

  1. From your BitbucketStationSupplies in Bitbucket, click Source to open the source directory. Notice you only have one file, supplies.txt, in your directory.

    • A. Source page: Click the link to open this page.

    • B. Branch selection: Pick the branch you want to view.

    • C. More options button: Click to open a menu with more options, such as 'Add file'.

    • D. Source file area: View the directory of files in Bitbucket.

  2. From the Source page, click the More options button in the top right corner and select Add file from the menu. The More options button only appears after you have added at least one file to the repository. A page for creating the new file opens, as shown in the following image.

    • A. Branch with new file: Change if you want to add file to a different branch.

    • B. New file area: Add content for your new file here.

  3. Enter supplyrequest in the filename field.

  4. Select HTML from the Syntax mode list.

  5. Add the following HTML code to the text area:

    We are requesting additional supplies. Please send us the following:

    • space ice cream

    • nerf darts

    • telescope light shield

  6. Click Commit. The Commit message field appears with the message: supplyrequest created online with Bitbucket.

  7. Click Commit under the message field.