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  6. Bluestacks Tweaker For Mac
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Bluestacks Tweaker Download Vero For. So, if a user wants to enjoy such an app, he can download Vero for PC. But if a user compares this app to others, he will realize the difference. Though this application launched in 2015, it gained excellent popularity. With the help of this app, make friends, followers, and share anything with them. The BlueStacks Tweaker for Windows is free software that allows you to customize the settings of the popular Android emulator. Download BlueStacks Tweaker Latest Version. BlueStacks tweaker is a cool software that lets you make changes on the BlueStacks App Player just like you do on Android recovery mode, factory reset.

Bluestacks Tweaker is like a boon to the users of Bluestacks helping them to perform every that action they felt a need of in the original one.

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When people were using earlier versions of Bluestacks the procedure to root Bluestacks is quite simply. And there are lots of resources out there explaining the steps to do that. But recently Bluestacks 2 has been released and most of the exploit to root the player is fixed. Download mac os x mavericks on windows.

In this article, I’ll be explaining 2 Methods to Root Bluestacks 2 using BS Helper & Kingroot. Before getting into the actual procedure, I want to mention what Bluestacks is?

BS Tweaker Tool – How to root BlueStacks 2, 3, 4 using BS Tweaker BS tweaker tool is itself an advanced tool created for tweaking the BlueStacks emulator. With the help of BS tweaker, you can easily change the device id, GUID, and IMEI number of your device. Bluestacks Multitool – A tool by which you can have your BlueStacks for Windows rooted automatically in less than 2 minutes! Follow the instructions below to get started, any suggestions/comments are welcome. WARNING: TRY AT YOUR OWN RISK. We are not responsible for any brick or data loss caused by this tool.

Bluestacks is a popular Android Emulator for PC and Mac which lets you install and run Android apps on your computer. Bluestacks 2 is similar to Remix Player, and you check more about it Remix Player here ( Hike For PC without Bluestacks )

The first method involves BS Helper to Root Bluestacks 2 which is the fastest and simple procedure, and the other includes an Android app – Kingroot and a Tweaking Software.

#1 How To Root Bluestacks 2 Latest Version Using BS Helper

First of all, you need to visit bluestacks.com and click download Bluestacks button at the top right corner to download the latest version of the emulator

Once the download is completed, you need to open the downloaded file to install Bluestacks on your computer. After the completion of Installation open Play Store and Install ” Root Check ” App.

After that open the installed ” Root Check ” app to determine the root status of the current Bluestacks Player. Obviously, you’ll get ” No root Detected ” Status in the App.

Then, Download BS Helper.zip and extract the file to any location on your computer. After that open BSHelper.exe file from the extracted folder and click on the button where it says ” Patch for SuperUser x .”

Also Read: 3 Methods to Fix Rats WebGL Hit a Snag on Google Chrome

In a couple of secs, the exploit to root Bluestacks will be pushed into Bluestacks, and SuperUser X Apk file will be installed on the Bluestacks. Once you see a success message on BSHelper, close the file and verify whether Bluestacks is successfully rooted or not?

To verify the root status open root check from the launcher and you can find that your Bluestacks 2 is successfully rooted from the root check result.

If you’re lazy to read the text version of the tutorial, here’s the video of the entire tutorial to Root Bluestacks 2 Latest Version using BS Helper:

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#2 How To Root Bluestacks 2 Latest Version using Kingroot

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This is somewhat complicated procedure when compared to the above one, but It’ll work just fine. Install Bluestacks 2 Player by following the instruction in #1 Method or from the video.

After the Installation, Download Kingroot Apk to your PC and drag the APK onto the Bluestacks t0 install it. And, It’ll be installed on to your Bluestacks 2 right away.

The app comes built in with all the exploits to root an Android Operating System. Kingroot is one of the Apps that is popularly supported by devs to include latest modules to work with different devices and builds.

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Launch the Kingroot from the launcher and you’ll find this message for unrooted devices – root status error: Fix. Click on the Android logo and allow Kingroot a couple of minutes to complete the exploitation for rooting your device.

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Then Download and Extract BS Tweaker to your PC and open the BS Tweaker application from the extracted folder.

You’ll find ” Restart BS ” option in BlueStacks Tweaker as highlighted in the above pic. Click on that to completely reset the BlueStacks app.

Bts Tweaker

After the restart, confirm the root status by downloading ” Root Check ” app from the play store. If prompted, please accept permissions for root status.

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You can also use the same procedure to root Bluestacks Linux Latest Version on Ubuntu

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Finally, you can enjoy Rooted Bluestacks 2 latest version. Hope this article helped you, If it does, please share this on Social Media coz Sharing is SEXY!!! Mac os x lion snow leopard download.