Auto-tune Pro (Mac)

  1. Does Antares Auto Tune Work With Logic Pro X
  2. How To Get Antares Autotune Free

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Auto-tune Pro (Mac)

  1. FIND THE RIGHT KEY IN UNDER A MINUTE! PRESET PACKS: Leave a LIKE if you enjoyed the video! SUBSCRIBE if you haven't a.
  2. Audio plugins,Free plugins for Logic Pro X,Free music software,free audio app and free plug-in downloads,free VST/AU plugins for your PC or Mac,32/64-bit, Freeware. External plug-ins (such as The T-Pain Effect, or Antares Auto-Tune) We're going to focus on using the first two options in Logic Pro X, and how you can get using auto-tune to create.
  3. Sep 23, 2021 How to Use Autotune in Logic Pro XMore Free Logic Pro Videos - Correction effect overview for how to do autotune on logic pro x. Tutorial – Using Auto-Tune Pro in Logic Pro X – Production Expert. Antares has recently come out with a fantastic upgrade to their flagship pitch correction plug-in, Auto-Tune.
  4. Antares Autotune Pro Crack + Latest Version Download 2020. Xfer serum crack windows download. Sep 03, 2018 Logic Pro X Apple 10.4.7 (Nov/2019 Updated) 64-bit Mac OSx 10.12, 10.13 and 10.14 Instructions: Attached Direct Download (1.5 GB). You will modify original provide of noises into contemporary resources.
  • Auto-Tune Pro
  • Antares
  • 9.1
  • 64-bit (VST, AU and AAX)
  • Mac OSx 10.11, 10.12, 10.13, 10.14
  • Instructions: Attached

75 Responses

Plase autotune efx3 crack

Can you fix the link is broken please

Did the link work for you?

WeВґve fixed the link. Please, try again.

Hello, I have tried the link again.. It still ask me to activate the license.
Please help!! I would really love to have this plugin.. Thx for all of your hard work… Please fix

hi for Mac OSx 10.15.3 ??

This version is the highest so much better

Hi, can you upload the Auto tune live?

Can you fix the link is broken please

Can you fix the link is broken please

can u fix the link please ?

Fixed. Tks for letting us know рџ™‚

Please fix link… License not valid

Has anyone managed to get this one to work?
If so, please let me know. THX

Dear Admin can you double check the link? It is not working for us.
It still ask for license and it does not come with instructions.
Thank you again..

ФЊoвІџd infРѕrmation. Lucky me I recently found your
site bКЏ accident (С•tumbleupЯ‹n). I’ve saved it for later!

These guys are good.. Hopefully we will get this plug-in fixed soon. I haven’t seen this one cracked anywhere as of yet

Has this link worked for anyone?
I can’t get it to work at all..

This is the only plugin that has not been cracked..
Not for Mac and not for Windows. Thanks anyways guys..

Hello is the link fixed?

No way – only 64 bit.

Dear Admin! Why so low speed download? thanks for u work anyway

did it work for you?

Did it work for anyone?

I have tried for two months.. Link IS STILL BROKEN

link works for me bro.

Which DAW are you using bro? I’m using Logic Pro X
It keeps asking me for a license.

what is the uninstall password

You can use your mac admin password. If there is no password, just type ENTER.

Admin, does this work with Logic Pro X?
If so, could you please give me brief instructions?
I would really appreciate it.. I can’t find any cracked files.

Did anyone get this to work in Logic Pro X ?
Please let me know..Thx

you could put a version for pro tools (axx)?

I love this site. You’re awesome buddy. Is the plugin compatible with Logic

can you fix link please

can you fix link please

Beautiful site. I can’t manage to get it working in Logic. Ask for license. Any suggestions?

Hello, it’s very important to strictly follow all the steps. Uninstall it and try again рџ™‚

Can I use it at digital performer 9?

We have never tested …

Anyone get the AAX version working?

I love this site… Great job. I can’t manage to make this one work. Will there be a update?

Pls make the autotune efx plus for logi??

Can you fix the link is broken please

Just try again. The link/server sometimes is overloaded.

can you fix link please…

This is the best website ever. Can you please upload the win version

hello, antares pro for mac 10.15 please

is there an antares pro for mac 10.15?

version for mac 10.11 please

hello antares pro for mac 10.11 please [email protected]

Hola Amigo, por casualidad no tendrГЎs la versiГіn de auto-tune para MacOS 10.15… Te lo agradecerГ­a infinito, Saludos.

I’ve downloaded auto pro and it installed perfectly but once I ran it thru plugins in Fl studio it asked me for a user name and password to login can you help me out? and when I try to open it with my WiFi turned off it would tell me I need my wifi on thanks

Antares Auto-Tune Mac

Скачайте Antares Auto-Tune, программу для редактирования тона и синхронизации аудиозаписей. Редактируйте аудио с помощью Antares Auto-Tune

Голос — это самый мощный музыкальный инструмент, и его редактирование на записях очень важно. До сих пор результат зависел от исполнителя, но благодаря Antares Auto-Tune вы сможете редактировать данный тип аудио и осуществлять все виды коррекций тональности и темпа.

Antares Autotune Logic Pro X Free

Antares Auto-Tune ориентирован на работу с записями голоса, однако, его инструменты могут использоваться для работы с любым акустическим материалом. Вам нужно отредактировать одну из ваших записей?


  • Программа для коррекции тона, темпа и высоты тона.
  • Используйте программу для записи голоса и других целей.
  • Доступен в нескольких форматах: VST, Audio Units, TDM и RTAS.
  • Технология обработки Evo.
  • Два режима работы: автоматический и графический.
  • Понятный и простой в использовании интерфейс.

Отшлифуйте ваши записи

Исправьте проблемы с тональностью и синхронизацией, сохранив оригинальную выразительность записи. Autotune является рабочим инструментом многих студий звукозаписи, а теперь будет и вашим.

СкачайтеAntares Auto-TuneдляMac, профессиональный инструмент коррекции тона, который необходимо иметь в вашей студии, если вы хотите получить максимум от ваших записей.

Antares Autotune 8 – PC / Mac OS

What is Autotune ?

Auto-Tune is a program that measures and adjusts the pitch of a recording. It has been used for quite a long time to correct slightly off-pitch voice recordings, and it’s pretty good at that — most Auto-Tune use you will most likely not hear or detect.

How to get antares autotune pro free

However, recently it’s also been used to correct way off-pitch recordings, and it has two negative effects when used like that — it makes the singer’s voice sound distorted, which sounds bad (unless it’s your goal, and in these cases it isn’t), and it shows that the singer isn’t even consistently capable of approximately hitting the notes.

Antares Auto-Tune 8

Building on over 17 years as the overwhelming choice of professional musicians, producers and engineers, Auto-Tune 8 is the new generation of genuine Auto-Tune pitch and time correction.

New in Auto-Tune 8 is Antares’ revolutionary new Flex-Tune real-time pitch correction technology. While providing the seamless, natural pitch correction and audio quality that Auto-Tune is known for, Flex-Tune correction gives singers unmatched freedom to exercise their vocal creativity.

In addition to the option of Flex-Tune, Auto-Tune 8 features a new ultra-low latency mode for use during tracking or for live performance, along with a variety of workflow enhancements designed to let you address your pitch and time correction tasks with a maximum of creativity and a minimum of frustration

System Requirements


Macintosh Versions)
(Intel processors only)

VST (64 and 32-bit compatible)
• A certified compatible VST host program that supports VST3 format.
• Mac OS 10.6.8 to 10.11 as required by your host

PC Versions

VST (64 and 32-bit compatible)
• A certified compatible host program that supports the VST3 format.
• Windows 7 SP1 to Windows 10 as required by your host

Auto-Tune 8’s MIDI functions require that your computer be equipped with a MIDI interface and properly configured system level software. Some host applications may not support the routing of MIDI to plug-ins, in which case Auto-Tune 8 MIDI functions will not operate.

Autotune Free Tutorial

Auto – Tune 8 Free Download

Tags : autotune free, free autotune, free autotune vst

AutoTune 9.1 Pro

VST плагин AutoTune уже 20 лет является мировым стандартом профессиональной коррекции высоты тона и инструментом, использующий характерный вокальный эффект современной популярной музыки. Эта программа, которую ежедневно используют тысячи звукорежиссеров по всему миру, сокращает время редактирования при создании звука профессионального уровня, поэтому скачайте Autotune 9 Pro и попробуйте ее возможности сами.

Плюсы плагина Autotune 9:

  • Низкая задержка
  • Flex-Tune
  • Коррекция времени

Функции коррекции времени в режиме графика позволяют быстро исправить ошибки синхронизации в идеальном исполнении или творчески переработать синхронизацию вашего трека без необходимости перезаписывать его. В целом, Antares AutoTune – это стандартное программное обеспечение, используемое бесчисленными профессионалами.

– 32-битная версия еще не работает: только 64-битная;
– Mac-версии Autotune 9 Pro пока не существует.
– Протестировано с Ableton Live 10, Pro Tools 12.5 и FL Studio 20 (не стесняйтесь тестировать с другими DAW и пишите в комментариях).
– Пользователям Ableton Live потребуется Blue Cat Patckwork (или любое подобное решение) для запуска VST3.
– FL Studio: перед первым запуском просто откройте диспетчер плагинов и выполните повторное сканирование, чтобы найти все новые плагины.

Установка AutoTune:

  1. Отключитесь от сети интернета.
  2. Запустите NO ILOK ACTIVATOR и перезагрузите компьютер.
  3. Теперь вы можете снова выйти в интернет.
  4. Если у вас не установлено приложение iLok License Manager, установите его.
  5. Наконец, запустите установщик AutoTune 9 Pro, и все готово!

Более подробная инструкция в архивах!

Обязательно посмотрите прошлую версиюVST плагина Autotune 8

Antares AutoTune Crack + Serial Key (Keygen) Download. Antares AutoTune Crack is an astonishing audio processor developed under the name of Antares Audio Technologies. This software is used to measure or alter the video content vocals and music performances.

Antares has recently come out with a fantastic upgrade to their flagship pitch correction plug-in, Auto Tune. The new Auto Tune Pro has a completely redesigned interface, making it easier and more intuitive to use than ever.

Logic Pro’s Flex Pitch is a fantastic asset to us all, and it’s free of course. But Auto Tune Pro does things that not only does Flex pitch not do, but no other pitch correction plug-in (that I know of) does!


In this short video, I’m going to show you two specific uses for Auto Tune Pro within Logic Pro X.

The first is simple real-time pitch correction.

Does Antares Auto Tune Work With Logic Pro X

You might think, what’s the big deal about that? The answer is in how easy it is to set up and how natural it sounds.

The second example utilizes the MIDI-controlled audio unit version within Logic Pro X.

This allows it to listen to audio fed into its side chain input while responding to either live or pre-recorded MIDI on that track. It’s a fantastic way to creatively re-pitch vocals on the fly, particularly when paired with the return of Auto Tune Pro’s “classic” mode.

Check it out here:

Auto-Tune Pro

You can learn about all the new features and upgrade options here:

Antares AutoTune Crack + Serial Key (Keygen) Download

Antares AutoTune Crack is an astonishing audio processor developed under the name of Antares Audio Technologies. This software is used to measure or alter the video content vocals and music performances. Antares Auto-Tune’s main task is to do correct off-key inaccuracies and allowing vocal tracks to be perfectly tuned despite originally being slightly off-pitch. The application is important for speech and hyperlink tones, thus, the Antares AutoTune Activation Code makes it clear and it deletes all your music. So, you can do your important job and display. Thus, cooling is a basic condition for use during the stay, so, it is easy to use. The Antares AutoTune Pro Crack Mac can help you look at the pitch and time to adjust the work, which helps to assess the impact of the original home building.

Antares AutoTune Crack can fix a place to keep track of the timber music, you can also apply the Flex Tune Pitch, correction option to remind you about the health and well-being. The company has great success with the application because you can access all kinds of products without making errors or groups. So, This application can be used as an advanced plug-in, the various rules used in studio life.

Antares AutoTune Serial Key is not heavy and it can run any sort of PC and working framework loaded with working and yield. Thus, You can download this product from this site. A wide range of components and elements without any problems, Antares autotune pro crack everywhere throughout the world with high-positioning positives remarking. So, In this form, you can refresh anything and can work with ut any help.

Antares AutoTune Crack + Serial Key (MAC+WIN) Free Here

Antares AutoTune Pro Crack can save more than half of the time and skip having to do your recording several times to get the best results because Antares AutoTune Crack will get it right on the first attempt for you, that much advanced it is. SO, This plugin is supportable with several popular DAWs like Fl Studio, Studio One, Pro Tools, Cubase, Ableton and various more, by this vocal processing technology, therefore, the musicians make DSP based audio sounds as they like. The application has the full system support and EFX mode for the change in a vocal tool, thus, it gives you AAX native instrumental support.

Auto Tune Logic Pro X Download

For your sake of love and extreme connectivity to music, therefore, Antares AutoTune MAC Crack will now make the world high-class sound quality and fix out as you need. The change-making components are now working here as a real-time response, therefore, the pitch correction, thus, you know is a main problem for the musicians and control the quality of audio, along with the variety of your workflow. Thus, it will remain with you to push out your frustration, therefore, the Increase in design yet to make perfect.

Antares AutoTune 9.1.1 Crack (Latest) Free Download

Antares AutoTune 9.1.1 Crack is the most complete and advanced edition of Auto-Tune. It includes both Auto Mode, for real-time pitch correction and effects, and Graph Mode, for detailed pitch and time editing. For twenty years, Auto-Tune has been the professional standard for pitch correction, and the tool of choice for the most iconic vocal effect in popular music. Now, with the introduction of Antares AutoTune Crack, it’s more versatile and easy to use than ever before, thanks to a totally redesigned interface and powerful new processing, editing, and navigation features. We’ve added automatic key detection with the new Auto-Key plug-in (included with Auto-Tune Pro purchase), Classic Mode for the “Auto-Tune 5 sound,” as well as real-time MIDI control.

Antares AutoTune Crack Both the Auto Mode and Graph Mode interfaces have been redesigned to offer the most efficient, flexible, and intuitive workflow for professional users and beginners alike. Auto-Tune Pro also includes Flex Tune and Humanize for more transparent and natural-sounding tuning, and Low Latency mode so you can perform in real-time without distracting delay. It also features Time Correction for non-destructive time editing, as well as Formant Correction, Vibrato Controls, and Throat Length Modeling. Whether you want to quickly touch up a few questionable notes or meticulously polish an entire performance, Auto-Tune Pro offers the professional pitch correction and classic effects you’re looking for.

Antares AutoTune Plugin Bundles:

  • AutuTune Vocal Studio
  • AVOX 4

Antares AutoTune Crack Different Products

Autotune Plugin Logic Pro X

Auto Tune Plug In Logic Pro X

  • More, AUTO-TUNE EFX+

Vocal Effects EVO Edition:


Noise Reduction:

  • More, SOUNDSOAP 5

Antares AutoTune Key Features:

  • It’s in the search mode
  • Display lifestyle and video life.
  • Powerful correcting plugin
  • It also allows you to enter a voice.
  • I have the power to change the groups.
  • Powerful Tone correction tools.

What’s new in Antares AutoTune 9.1.1 Crack?

  • Advanced Automatic Fixing Mode
  • Multi Keyboard Shortcuts included.
  • The easy front which makes it easy for beginners to use the application.
  • Reception of the tone on via MIDI
  • Use automatic or manual fixing boards.
  • More and more features to discover.

System Requirements:


AAX Native (64-bit only)
• Pro Tools 12.4 or later.
• Mac OS 10.11 to 10.14 as required by your version of Pro Tools.

VST3 (64-bit only)
• A compatible VST host program that supports VST3 format.
• Mac OS 10.11 to 10.14 as required by your host.

Audio Units (64-bit only)
• A compatible host program that supports the AU format.
• Mac OS 10.11 to 10.14 as required by your host.


AAX Native (64-bit only)
• Pro Tools 12.4 or later.
• Windows 8.1 to Windows 10 as required by your version of Pro Tools.

VST3 (64-bit only)
• A compatible host program that supports the VST3 format.
• Windows 8.1 to Windows 10 as required by your host.

How to Crack?

  • First, download it from given link
  • Second, extract and install it
  • Then, open registration panel
  • Copy and paste Antares AutoTune Pro Crack Mac Serial Key.
  • Wait for completion
  • All done
  • Enjoy

How To Get Antares Autotune Free

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